Creation and Purpose

In 1988 Congress passed Public Law 100-322 (now codified at section 7361-66 of title 38, United States Code) that allowed Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers to establish nonprofit research corporations (NPCs), forming a unique public/private partnership that dramatically broadened VA’s ability to benefit from private and non-VA public support for research conducted at VA medical centers.  Since that time, about 80 NPCs have incorporated around the country.

The Biomedical Research Institute of New Mexico (BRINM) was incorporated in the state of New Mexico in 1989 to enable organizations external to the Veterans Administration to conduct research and support education on the VA campus in Albuquerque.  BRINM acts as the intermediary on research contracts, ensuring compliance, purchasing goods and services, hiring personnel, invoicing sponsors for research funds and maintaining accounting for all projects it oversees.  Furthermore, it reports on research and funding to the VA and other entities.

BRINM’s purview includes Basic Research funded by government or non-profit health organizations, Clinical Trials sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and their intermediaries, and Clinical Trial Support Services through the CSP Pharmacy Coordinating Center that are sponsored by non-VA organizations.

BRINM is a member of the National Association of Veterans Research and Education Foundations (NAVREF) and collaborates with other NPCs on research programs.  

Board of Directors

BRINM has a Board of Directors, which oversees the administrative staff and sets policy for conduct of BRINM business. The BRINM Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors.


  • Executive Director: Jennifer Hogan
  • HR Administrator/Assistant Director: Lisa Gallegos